Rails React Bootstrap

A modern Ruby on Rails application built to further development and showcase best practices



  • Never Pay
  • Private ToDo List
  • Read & add to the Blog
  • Participate in WebRTC Video Chat
Sign up for Free



  • Pay Once
  • Github Read Access
  • Use any code in your own work
  • Participate in and create Video Chats
Inquire Today


The App This is a Rails 7.0.6 (Ruby 3.2.2) Blog + ToDo + WebRTC application packed with modern, lightweight libraries & frameworks to shape the frontend.


Free Sign up and never pay for free access to this site. Included is a private ToDo List, full access to the Blog, and the ability to join Video Chats created by members. You can always decide to upgrade at any time.


Membership Sign up and pay once for read access to this app's repository. You can clone the project and create your own application(s) with best practices in place. This package includes the ability to join Video Chats created by YOU + other members. As new features are released, your early adoption will grant you access to them as well.

This is a side project of mine that I began in late 2020. The idea was to create a sandbox, outside of day-to-day work, in which I could experiment with the various web technologies I love. In this project, we are leveraging modern gems, frameworks and libraries in order to explore the potential agility of Ruby on Rails (A gem itself). Collaboration fosters best practices; working with others is integral to personal growth as a developer. Coding solo fosters development in a freeform manner that values ownership over camaraderie, and craft over professional rigor.
Tony Maseda